One point for all resources & opportunities
Some useful links to search for hackathons around you:
Angelhack, Devpost, Devfolio, MLH Hackathons, Hackerearth.
Initial screening is a coding round followed by a hackathon. Applications usually open in Feb for the APAC region.
It has 2 editions- software and hardware & covers a wide variety of themes to build projects.
You'll be collaborating in small groups with other developers on a series of short hackathon sprints.
Students in any year of their undergrad course can apply. Applications are open throughout the year.
Sophomore and Prefinal year students can apply. Applications open around May/June.
Some useful links to practice and learn CP :
Codeforces, CP-Algorithms, Topcoder, Codechef.
Applications usually open in January. It's a team-based competitive programming competition.
It's hosted 8 times a year and the registration for the first competition (Round A) usually begins in February.
It's a team-based competition. Registrations usually start in winter. The dates for different regions for selections may vary.
Applications usually open twice a year for Summer and Spring. Students (& a limited number of non-student professionals) are selected.
Working professionals or student developers in their final year of engineering can go for it.
The GitHub Externship is a 90 days fellowship program for pre-final year students of GitHub Campus Partner schools.
A chance to intern at Google. It's only for first and second-year undergrad students. Google India STEP intern applications usually open in November.
It awards grants to students to support their education. The application usually opens in March.
It's an 8-week mentor-led program for those interested to dive deep into the ethereum ecosystem.
Cash prize will be awarded to any Indian team that secures a world rank lower than (current best) 18 in ICPC.
Selected students will receive a financial grant towards tuition expenses, and will be invited to visit the YouTube headquarters in the USA.
Student and Professor form a team to work on real-world projects assigned by Samsung (Bengaluru). Also, get to interact with industry mentors.
A challenge for those interested in digital marketing. The applications are open throughout the year.
Space Apps inspires communities to come together, think intensely, and create solutions to important problems. The event usually happens in Sept-Oct.
An opportunity for sophomore year undergrad students to intern at Microsoft India. The application usually opens in May-June.
(Also, a must-visit website for updates on such opportunities is: Scholarshiptrack.)
Female students from the countries (US, France, Netherland, India, Serbia), are awarded grants for their tuition fees.
Applications usually open in March for the APAC region. Deserving candidates in their first/second year are awarded grants.
Applications usually open in March. Deserving female candidates in their freshmen year are awarded grants and mentorship.
If selected you'll get a sponsored 3 day trip to the USA to attend GHC and also career opportunities at Tech giants.
Applications usually open in July. A two-day program for sophomore and prefinal year women students with lots of learning events.
This mentorship program is designed to make women industry-ready. Applications usually open in January.
Deserving candidates are chosen from selected universities. Applications usually open in November.
All prefinal & final year BTech/BE Women Students or a 1st / 2nd Year M.Tech Women Students can apply.
Winners get prizes and a chance to work at Adobe. Open to prefinal and final-year candidates.